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Mentoring in Homeopathy
ASHUH presents an international mentoring program:
with Ana Klikovac PhD
Ongoing course – Join any time!
Every Thursday
Enroll to this unique international mentoring program for homeopaths.
- You are not confident with your knowledge of homeopathy?
- Want to know more?
- You do not have adequate results in your practice with clients?
- Want to broaden your horizons and learn various modern approaches in homeopathy?
- Want to understand Organon better?
- Want to understand the Sensation Method better?
Ana Klikovac PhD, has created a specialized intensive mentorship program in homeopathy, and the goals of such an individualized program are:
- Rapid and effective acquiring of knowledge and skills about different approaches in homeopathy
- Gaining skills in quick repertorisation of the cases
- Concentrated material for quick and easy practical application
- Learning based on real cases from Ana’s practice
- Solving difficult cases from practice with in-depth case analysis
- Understanding and combining different approaches and methods in homeopathy
- Applying different complementary healing methods to solve cases
- Learning about diversities of clients and different cultures from cases from Ana’s practice from different countries of the world
The mentoring program might be beneficial for:
- Homeopathic doctors and homeopathic practitioners
- Students of homeopathy
Upon completion of the program you will be fully trained for the practical application of this knowledge. Each case from practice will be simple for you.
Ana is using Synergy Homeopathic Software in her mentoring program, but she may as well show you some cases in other homeopathic program. You are not required to use the same program as Ana for the mentoring class. You can use any homeopathic software during the program. If you are still not using any of the homeopathic repertorisation programs, feel free to contact Ana in advance of the program, and she will give you advice on how to prepare yourself for the program. Or if you wish to purchase a homeopathic software, Ana can give you valuable advice.
This is an ongoing course, so you can join at the beginning of any month, for a 6 or 12 months period.
Mentor: Ana Klikovac PhD
Language: English
Class is held on Zoom, once a week per 1,5 hours
Mentoring time: 6,45-8,15 PM CET (Zagreb time zone)
Please check your timezone here.
Enroll to one of the following programs:
Monthly fee: 195 EUR
12 months mentorship: 2.100 EUR total fee
Special ‘Hop-on/Hop-off’ option: In case you need a break from the program, no problem, you can pause and start the program according to your availability to attend the classes.
To book your seat at the program, please send your payment via Paypal to . Or send us an e-mail to with your inquiry and we will send you a pro-forma invoice if you wish to transfer the payment from your bank account.
The program is conducted online as Zoom meeting, not as Zoom webinar, where participants will enjoy active live discussion about the cases with Ana, and will be able to ask questions during case solving.
As the program is interactive, and Ana is observing the progress of each individual participant, the number of places on the program is limited.
Book you seat at the program NOW!
ASHUH is dedicated to spreading knowledge in the field of homeopathy and related natural healing methods!
Here are the impressions of our participants who already completed an intensive mentoring program with Ana:
“Mentoring with Ana is definitely the right way for anyone who wants to gain applicable knowledge of homeopathy. Time on “zoom” always ends too quickly. It doesn’t matter if you are tired and what your day was like! Mentoring is in an atmosphere of positive energy! Time of new knowledge, useful advice, new facts, all through practical examples, concrete steps in the case, always accompanied by explanations in which we get the answers – HOW we came to a remedy and WHY we chose this particular remedy in that potency!
During mentoring, we are all “inside”. There is no passive transmission of facts that we can read for ourselves. Everything is done through practical examples. We comment on each case, come to a conclusion, and analyse. Ana’s lectures are vivid and easy to remember. I feel free to say for the group I participate in ,that it is MY group. Every time again I can’t wait for a new mentoring class. Self-confidence grows. There are no unsolvable cases. The best solution to a problem is always found! For everything that Ana emphasised that you would get through her mentoring program, she was only partly right – as you get a lot more! Knowledge is gained, self-confidence is strengthened, there is no fear of “difficult” cases. The best advertisement for homeopathy are satisfied clients, who can only be satisfied when they feel the rapid action of homeopathy. Ana has managed to adapt homeopathy to today’s fast-paced 21st century lifestyle.
I am grateful to Ana for everything I have learned so far and I am happy to be part of this very group. I believe that nothing is accidental and that I have gained new “zoom” friends and colleagues, all of whom I can’t wait to meet live! ” Anamarija Tušek, Croatia
“I finished my basic studies in homeopathy, got a degree in homeopathy, but I was not relaxed in working with clients, I had a lot of doubts, fears … will I choose the right remedy among several similar ones? … what if this is not a good remedy? … what if aggravation happens? … what if I don’t help the client right away at the first consultation? … should I combine some more methods with homeopathy? … what, how, which potency … and a thousand more questions and doubts. Sometimes I had to turn down a client because of my insecurity. There were cases that seemed very complicated to me and I didn’t even dare to start working with them … What if I fail?
I had a solid basic theoretical knowledge, but it needed someone to “check” HOW I WORK, how I handle a case, choose a remedy … before I issued my recommendation to a client, I needed someone to evaluate my work. I consulted with colleagues, but often it did not seem enough to me, I wanted professional support, someone with experience in working with clients, with knowledge and acquired education – an expert. I enrolled in mentoring with prof. Ana Klikovac and that was it, but also much, much more than I expected and more than stated in the program. Very quickly I started to gain self-confidence, I realized where I was wrong, why sometimes, despite a well-chosen medicine, there are no results, sometimes it was just about the wrongly chosen potency …
I deeply believe that mentoring should be an integral part of every homeopath’s education, because no matter what basic studies you complete, no matter how good and quality the school is, there are things that are not part of the school curriculum and that await you only when you start independent practice. . That is why I think that final year students or homeopaths should definitely go through some kind of mentoring by an experienced homeopath – expert, before they start working with people on their own.
What I gained through this mentoring is a lot of knowledge related to solving specific cases, how to better conduct a homeopathic interview, what are the approaches and methods of healing complementary to homeopathy and how to apply them for the benefit of the client and faster results, use of repertory, relationship with clients, access to healing …… a lot of “little secrets of the great master”. So details, specific instructions that are never in the school curriculum, which are mostly acquired through practice, and which many experts keep to themselves. This is another important dimension of this mentoring and work with prof. Ana – selfless sharing of a huge amount of knowledge she learned, but also those important things that she gained through experiences from practice. She shares all her knowledge selflessly and simply, but apart from the vast knowledge, what through the mentoring of prof. Ana conveys to students is love, love of homeopathy, and therefore of every man we want to help.
Ana’s attitude towards each student is full of encouragement, encouragement, respect … It is this respect towards each student that allows everything to be learned easily and quickly, because at no time will you feel bad if you don’t know something, if you make a mistake … Ana is there to understand and accept all our differences and in terms of the level of knowledge, temperament, behaviour, environment we come from … not to judge and criticise, but to gently guide and correct you and then praise and encourage you to go further. Learning thus becomes a joy and a challenge, and each new day of mentoring is eagerly awaited.
In addition to knowledge and self-confidence, what prof. Ana impresses every student, and what I bring as a particularly valuable gift from this mentoring is enthusiasm in approaching just about any case, love for this job and joy in helping others, whether they learn something new or get well,
Ana is a mentor with whom you grow as a homeopath, but also as a person.
Thank you Ana! “ Tanja Piperović, Montenegro
“My desire to go further in the study of homeopathy, to upgrade my own skills and knowledge, to educate myself with the best homeopaths, has created events in my life, in line with my expectations, and on the path of learning – I was sent to ANA.
Interesting and harmonious through several different angles, with wide range of knowledge and work techniques, she guides us through a mentoring program.
After each meeting we remain of the same view, that Ana is a person
who fully knows what she’s talking about, that is – she is what she teaches.
Wonderful energy and emotion, characteristic style of exposition, with repetition and emphasis of what is important, “to twist and turn” the cases of clients, exploring and connecting all through the light of knowledge, persistently searching for the cause of the disease state.
Detailed case analysis, with numerous suggestions and advice, we gained greater freedom and security in our homeopathic work.
It is a great privilege, with such support like hers, to build your experiences, through new directions and forms of work, and the same essence.
The essence is man and love.
Listen, hear, understand and advise – says our ANA, and I am empowered by her mentoring!
I feel happy, inspired by Ana’s enthusiasm, and with her open heart where we all fit into it.🌼
Dear Ana, let the common emotion continue to guide us!” Slavica Vojinović, Montenegro
“When I think about what makes Ana Klikovac and excellent teacher, the first thing that occurs to me is the easiness with which she gives knowledge to students. It is always underlined with many examples one can relate to a large number of general facts important to learn and to be aware of in homeopathy. Attending classes with Ana and having Ana as mentor means having an opportunity to gain support, not only in taking care of health in general, but also in one’s personal health and life challenges, which can hardly be separated from those a therapist will be facing with on a regular basis.
Abundance of approaches taught in classes made me feel secure and confident therapist, capable of improving people’s health, knowing how and when to apply a certain method and choose the right remedy. That makes me feel closer to myself and all people in search of a well hidden knowledge within ourselves, available to those who are willing to search for it.
Thank you Ana!” Marija Sinković, Croatia
Learn homeopathy exclusively with your mentor Ana Klikovac PhD!
For more information about the Mentoring Program in Homeopathy, please contact us!